06 December 2008


tanpa kau hidup aku kosong.

aku sibuk tapi hidup aku kosong,
aku ketawa tapi hidup aku kosong,
aku letih dan tertidur tapi hidup aku kosong.

tanpa kau hidup aku sepi.

aku berteriak dan gelak tapi hidup aku sepi,
aku bernyanyi tapi hidup aku sepi,
aku gelak dan menjerit tapi hidup aku sepi.

tanpa kau hidup aku kaku.

aku mengayuh tapi hidup aku kaku,
aku berlari tapi hidup aku kaku,
aku tidur, berjalan dan bermimpi tapi hidup aku kaku.

tanpa kau hidup aku kosong!
kosong seperti tin kosong,
terapung dan bersedih,
mengenang nasib diri,
setelah dilambung ombak,
yang membawa kau pergi...

04 December 2008

kind of



Last night was awesome. We were celebrating someone's birthday. To make it short, I kind of like her.

Kind of.

Because I don't really believe in love after the first sight. For me. Love is something that we develop over time. You know, something like the more we get to know each other.. the deeper the feeling of ____ we feel. Chewah.. in this case like building the bridge la..

And to be honest, the more I know about her. the more I like about her. For or now I can say that I like her as a friend. Not more than that. 

And more important is... she. She must likes me too . or else this relationship is not gonna go anywhere.

And I don't want to be selfish and force her to accept me in case one day my feelings toward her will be very strong.

But, here’s the downside... we’re both are not really suitable for each other medically. I have asthma and she has it too.

Let’s leave it to God to decide.. And we human. Lets hope for the best. While preparing for the worst.