Now she has grown up and not a kitten any more. The necklace with a bell I bought seems like tightened around her neck already. The bell supposed to be green in colour turned goldish brown now.
what bothers me now is that she wants to make love. when I was just arrived home I notice there were five male cats waiting outside for my cute little ubu. she's too young for that. and ubu which was inside the house looked so horny. man, she didn't know that if she does that she'll get pregnant. and she's too young for that.

she has a boyfriend since a long time ago but she never showed any interest to actually 'make love' to him. but now she seems really into it. and not with her similar-age-boyfriend. but to several huge old cats which I always chased away when they caught peeking on my cat when ubu was small (gosh paedophiles!!)
my previous cat at my previous house, Luna also did the same thing. she was barely big enough to have babies. she ended delivered 3 kittens but 2 of them died. I brought luna to a veterinarian and it turned out that Luna didn't has milk to milk her kittens. Luna fell in love again and her kittens neglected.
last night Ubu was grounded. I closed all the windows that she normally use to get out. she looked desperate but I have to do the best thing for her. she has to wait for few more months for that. and today I did the same thing. she looked so horny and refused to eat. she looked terribly need some physical.
just now my house-maid was sweeping and cleaning our house and she opened the door widely and Ubu ran out. I noticed that but I just let her go. Maybe I don't really know what is best for her. maybe I should let the nature works by its own way. and let ubu be happy and fulfil her.. err need.

udaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bongoksssssss gileeeeeee
ReplyDeletehow does ubu look when she is horny gagagagaga..
kucing pon pandai menggatal eh...hehe...xpe la,die pregnant pon bkn anak luar nikah...mcm orang skrg ni pregnant anak luar nikah.....
ReplyDelete@jenn well she looked like you when you're hor*ny haha (pliz don't kill me)
ReplyDelete@ada bukan anak luar nikah ker?? xpernah pun sy diminta jadi wali ke apa ke hehe gurau jer. betul2, anak luar nikah tu satu hal. buang anak pun satu hal yg leji juagk. ish3.
i. so. wana. kill. you!
ReplyDeletetapi tgh puasa. haha.
sempena syawal yg semakin hampir, saya ingin menyusun sepuluh jari, eh bukan muhrim, saya ingin meminta maaf zahir dan err batin.
ReplyDeletehahahaha. uda kelakar la. kesian ubu. looks like u gonna be a good dad to ur children nanti. gooood! hehe
ReplyDeletei hope so tooo... amin!!
ReplyDeletehaha...sengal.. biar la ubu..nnt bwk blik msia get marry wit kucing kat msia lak.
ReplyDeletetak bawa balik Malaysia kut... isk2 sedih pulak.