23 August 2010

learning to live life

Man! I missed my blog so much. The last time I posted something here was on March when I was just started my clinical rotation at the hospital for a month.

Now I’m rotating at the psychiatric department. Currently in week two. I’ve done my rotations at dermatology and venereology, radiology, pulmunology and also paediatrics. Unfortunately I failed at dermatology and venereology haha. I’ve got to repeat my rotation at the department later.

Time passes so quickly. Now it’s august already! I can say there are times when I was happy, sad, a bit depressed, ups and downs. But that’s okay!! I’ve learned a lot about life. And how to live life. My journey is still long. There were times I’m so disappointed with my self. But I was able to cope with it and tried to be better despite all those negative hindrances that kept coming (especially from me myself haha).

I wanted to write about my girlfriend actually. But I’ll write about it later. It’s kinda late already. I have to hit the bed now. And since it is Ramadhan, I want to wish all muslims wherever you are a very happy and blessed ramadhan. Happy fasting!


  1. waa akhirnya hapdet juga!
    cepat2 nak entry pasal 'acik' pula!hehe

  2. yea yea we cant wait for u to write about ur n mine(!) girlfriend! hehe.

  3. @emma thanks for visiting and ur comment. though it took me few minute to think what is 'hapdet' haha

    @jenn okay i'll write about her soon. can't wait too =p but woow look at the (!) sign haha. by the way, i dont think u have to put sex in front as in girl-fren since she is ur FREN equals to other close-friends of urs. unlike me where the sex is very important (e.g to rule out the possibility of having a gay relationship haha) and i don't think i would say syaf and amir are my boyfriends. weird right haha. so we only use sex in special relationship. syaf and amir are also ur fren instead of boyfriends haha
    okay... am i too particular about this hahaha

  4. damn, i'm not gay! (i lazy to hapdet, just wanna be reader only, i am not a good blogger hehe)

  5. uda x perlu menerangkan panjang lebarrrr hehe
    girls often refer to their close frens as girlfrensssss aiteeeeee..
