21 August 2009

no driving licence

I am as old as 23 years old but yet I’m still cannot drive a car. I don’t know how to drive, never really got the chance to learn how to drive, and off course I don’t have a driving licence.

If you ask me one thing in my life that I’m not so happy about is this.

And sometimes I feel like I am not a normal person. Or simply feel like I am not even a human if we look at the definition of what human is by what they or majority of them are doing.

Thinking why I am like this, I always blaming all those hindrances such as money, availability of a car to learn to drive or time constrains.

But how come everybody else could do it except me. Why.

That’s the reason why I said that I am no human. And I am 23 years old for God sake.


  1. u are totally wrong...cannot blame on money...i dont have money too but i can own my driving licence. learn from people who experienced on this...dont just sit n waiting for the thing automatically come to us...we must n have to find it by ourself and of course effort on it...

    p/s i hate people used to always said 'dont have money...' plz learn my buddy...the main point here is,effort...

  2. thank you anonymous for leaving a comment here.

    i said money is only one of the hindrances. in this case, i couldn't afford to get the driving licence, not that because of lack of money so i cannot learn how to drive.

    i learned to drive during last holiday. my mother tought me, but i was very busy and that was it, only once, which lasted only 15 minutes. so the other main problem is time. as i said time constrain..

    just so you know. i have a motorcycle driving licence and it's because i could afford it. don't tell me getting a car driving licence is cheap.

    and i hope u are not suggeting me to go illegeal like certain people did.

  3. im not suggesting u to go illegal but u can have it by legal way and of course cheap,i do want to tell u my buddy,its cheap =) rili...n let u noe that people did in illegal way is expensive actually compare to the real legal way to get the license because they paid extra to not sit the practical test...trust me. as i said,u have to learn a lot about the way to fulfill what we need... =)

    p/s cool man,dont be so stress n mad =) its just an advice =)

  4. i don't care the illegal is cheaper or more expensive. don't wanna know bout it.

    but for me, taking into consideration my state of financial circumstances, and the need to spend on something considered more urgent; applying for a driving license is expensive.

    oh, by the way, about fulfilling what we want. i got almost everything i want, thank you.

  5. lol...i said the LEGAL way that i told u just now is cheapest. not that illegal heh..

  6. haha uda.bak kate shaf, kitorg langgar je kete ko =p aku pakai bmw hoho~

  7. anonymous: i said i don't care if it cheaper or cheapest or whatever compare to whatever you're talking about. it's only a theory of relativity.

    amir suhaimi: langgar la amir oi, kalau tu ko boleh bahagia.

  8. apsal tah emo semacam ni??pelik...lepak2 sudeyh..

  9. dah ko ckp nak langgar, langgar la. aku sanggup berkorban demi kebhagian ko.

    i thought that would be sweet.

  10. hehehe uda....hg ingt hg sorg jer xde lesen...hg kira ok la dari ak dah ada lesen moto..ak lg la apa pun xda lg ni keta ka moto ka smua xda lesen lg hehe...jgn sempitkan fikiran kerana xda duit kita xleh nak wat apa2...duit datang bila kita berusaha..kalu hnya menanti ia xkan datang begitu sahaja..dan rezki ni kadang2 ia lambat dan kadang2 ia cepat..kalu lambt tu tunggu n bsabarlah dlu..bab lesen ni..hg skang ni ngah study,penting sgt ka lesen tu n kalu xda lesen hg xleh nak study ker...ish2..inilah manusia bila kekurangn ssuatu kita tlalu mudah bputus asa dan kurang keyakinan dan kurang kita memikirkn kelebihan yg ada pada diri kita..kita mudah lemah dgn kekurangan pada diri kita padahal jika dhitung diri kita ni ak xtau la berapa percent je yg leh dikira kekurangan bbanding kelebihan pada diri kita...ak masa study dlu pun ada pikir nak amik lesen tp xda duit n sblm ni pun ak dok pikir nak amik lesen gak tp xcukup duit lg, time tu ak p kerja pun jalan kaki xpun naik lrt je..tp skarang Alhamdulillah ak dah mampu tp ak xpikir lg nak amik lesen sbb ak xguna lg buat masa sekarang sbb ak dok kat sni...buat apa ak nak pikir lbh2 pasal benda yg xpenting bg ak buat masa skarang ni...hidup kita bukan hanya satu tujuan..banyak benda yg perlu dan lebih penting utk kita fikir daripada kita memikirkan perkara2 yg mensia2kan akal kita utk memikirkannya...renung2kanlah hehe...

  11. hidung berantai, timer kasih atas comment yg panjang lebar, tp sy tak bosan membacanyer.

    terima kasih, ntah kenapa tetiba rasa lega pas baca koment saudara hidung.tetiba cam terasa sedar hehe.

  12. actually what m trying to say is that hidung berantai you open my eyes. i should really appreciate thing that i already have now, and only look for something that is relevant with what i need. and work on getting it. thanks again.

  13. hehe...Alhamdulillah la kalu kita dah sedar dan sentiasa ingat mengingati...mmg tak dinafikan kita kadang2 tu suka membandingkan kekurangan diri kita dgn kelebihan org lain...dan kesilapan kita ialah pabila kita mmbandingkan kelemahan kita itu, kita menjadi semakin lemah...sepatutnya pabila kita mmbandingkan kelemahan diri kita dgn kelebihan org lain kita perlu mencari kenapa kita ada kelemahan itu dan mencari penyelesaian yg sesuai dan bukannya menyalahkan diri sendiri dgn kelemahan itu yg akhirnya memberi impak yg negatif pada kita...cuba menpositifkan fikiran amat penting dalam menyelesaikan ssuatu perkara...kita manusia biasa yg mudah lemah pabila diungkitkan kelemahan dan mudah bongkak pabila diungkitkan kelebihan....sekian hehe..amik lah apa yg baik dan buang lah apa yg buruk..

  14. selamat berpuasa...first time ak posa kat sini ni hehe...

  15. puasa elok2 kat sana, mesti best pose kat tanah arab. aku kali yg ke-4 puasa kat indonesia...

  16. sgt setuju dgn hidung berantai.selama ni aku berfikiran mcm dia gak huhuu dan aku rase ape yg aku buat betul sbb si hidung berantai pun berkata hal yg seperti aku alami.tanx hidung berantai kerana meyakinkan tindakan ayg aku buat huhu...

    pokoknya,tenang2 aja kok...yg penting,jgn duduk diam menunggu.kejar n berusaha.chayok2!!

  17. salam uda. jgn lah gtu. ader rezeki t pasti dapat amek lesen tuh. ira pon ngah tatih2 amek nih. kt sni lesen keta br dlm 7ratus or 800 ratus. t dah balik amek lah. ira y amek nih pon menyedihkan. haha. keta y tak penah bawak sekali p test lulus. motor y selalu duk bawak asyik tak lulus2. benci ira ngan titi tu. dah 4 kali test taw. bhgn ll tulah y titi, kon n emergency brek tuh. 1st n third ari ujan, sgt gabra smpi ttrn tyr dr titi. y 2nd n 4th lak tak cukup mase. sket jer lagi nak cukup. ag 0.05 saat. sedih sampai kecewa. rasa mcm tanak pg test dah. so uda jgn sedih2 tak berkesempatan lagi nk amek. tgklah ira nih, uda dah berzaman pgg lesen motor, ira duk L lagi. haha... sekadar berkongsi cerita nk bg uda happy. *wink*

  18. terima kasih ira berkongsi cerita. xper2 usaha lagi ek, yang titi tu dia nak test kalau perlahan ira boleh stable tak, so ila kena la maintain stability elok2 ek, jgn laju2 sgt.

    rm 700-800 tu bg uda sgt2 mahal, byk lagi benda lain yg uda perlu ada tapi xbeli lagi huhu. tapi takper la, uda dapatkan yang mana penting utk uda skrg dulu ikut prioriti..

    terima kasih ira! good luck driving test! tahniah dah lepas yg kete...
