10 August 2009

new topic for my research?

Now I’m busy working on the new research proposal. Sigh!

Few days ago I went to the hospital to proceed with my intended research titled pregnancy and the risk of breast cancer in women in one of the hospital in Medan. Unfortunately when I was just an inch from getting the medical records needed, the consultant suggested that I change my research. This means I have to change everything that I’ve done or simply do it all over again.

He said that the outcome would not going to be like what I expected, that pregnancy lowers the risk of breast cancer, because there are a lot of others factor affected the possibility getting the lethal disease. My interest is only to study the relationship of those two things. But since the medical records available are not that many, and to exclude other factors that might have caused the disease is impossible, I agreed to think about his suggestion and later I met my tutor and a CRP lecture. They allowed me to change my topic.

I am confused. Thinking about whether I should stick with my previous title or go ahead with a new one.

Still thinking about this. I already began doing the literature review for the new proposal.

The consultant is really knowledgeable, and I won’t let go the chance of working with him. But, the main problem is time constraint!! With the classes, practicals and exams and also the clinical semester starting next year and I am so not ready for it. Argh!!


  1. wah leh jadi pak bidan la ek lepas ni....

  2. insyaAllah..
    sumer dokter mesti la kena pandai jd bidan..
    hehe. tp aku x berminat nak amik specialist ObGyn aka sakit puan/kebidanan pun hehe.

  3. owh mcm tu ek....kira kalu doktor tu mesti kna pandai jadi bidan n bidan tu tak smestinya kena pandai jadi doktor la kan...hg jadi la specialist dlm bidang ni bru la ganah...bistu hg bcadang nak menspecialistkan diri dlm bidang pa..

  4. hehe segan la nak amik ObGyn =p
    insyaAllah, aku bercita-cita nak ambil geriatric = pakar org tua. :)
