my mother knew about this when the ID donor card was mailed to my house. on the phone she made it quite clear that she did not really approved of this. while I totally understood her worry, I explained to her my intention of helping the needy fellow human beings and that such act would not do me, or my dead body in this case, any harm.
from the religion point of view, this organ donation is totally permitted. In the Malaysian Society of Transplantation Society web site, it is said that National Fatwa Committee meeting on June 23 and 24 in 1970, assisted by a panel of medical experts, made the decision to allow organ transplantation based on acceptable juridical principles.

quoting from the article "Islam considers a disease as a natural phenomenon. However man should seek remedy, Allah, who causes ailments, also brings cure and redemption. Muslims are therefore encouraged to search for new modes of treatment and should apply them if proved successful."
I also have came across this one blog, saifulislam.com in which the writer explains it in a more refreshing and beautiful way. it's a really good post that I think everybody should read it.
so dearest friends, lets pledge as a donor, lets do this, lets help somebody to have their life back, to work for their family and lessen their sufferings, after we no longer need the organs.
I think it is not really something that is so hard to do as we are already gone, dead. we really don't need them anymore. it's just like donating out stuffs such as clothes that we no longer need. right?
so if you are interested, you can sign up at the National transplant resource center web site here. if you're in malaysia, you can also buy the form with only 60cents at the post office.