-->It’s semester break. All my closest friends are already went back home right now, to their hometown in Malaysia. Except me. I stay here. I do not go back because… I don’t think I have enough money to spend on the flight ticket and to pay for the expensive immigration thingy. Plus the holiday is not that long. Only for two weeks. So I decided not to go back.
Afiq was the last one to go back to Malaysia. I started to be alone after he went back last week. All my other friends have already gone back earlier. Me and Afiq we always have certain issue which sometimes put us in a… not-so-cool situation. We used to be very close before those ‘issues’ came up. I’m not going to babble about this in here. But I’m glad now since things since have been worked out a bit now. Or, maybe I’m just happy because with him, it’s always easier to go simply anywhere compare with people who always have reasons to not to-do or not to-go. We went the beach one day before he gone back. I love beach. And the view. And the breeze. Everything.
Now, here I am. Alone in my house. Like the previous times when I was alone during the holiday, the early part was the hardest. But as times goes… I’ll get used to it. And later enjoyed it. Enjoyed being alone and that I can spend all the time just by myself and for my self.
Somehow, this is the first time that I am completely alone as there are no more cats around. They were such great companion and friends. I remember.

But it is okay. Now, unlike those times, I have my computer with me. It is not that quiet anymore. And I can watch some movies to keep me sane. Or write some nonsense like I do now without having to go to the internet café.