03 February 2009

i am crazy. am i not?

Hmm I don't know how to begin with haha. Okay, remember the girl that I was talking about? The one that me and me friends celebrated her birthday? Ala... the one that I blogged about under title of 'kind of'

Okay if you remember now then good.

Me and her. we are getting closer now. And I just can't help but to tell the world that I like her a lot! Yes, a lot!!! :)

I'm dating her now. We went out together. Sitting in class next to each other. And talk on the phone, texting. Wow. I just don't know how to describe how I feel right now. I am so glad that she is my friend. I want her to be my best friend, ..or more!

It's just nice to just to look at her. or to listen to her voice.

Haha. I'm crazy. Okay lah! Enough for now.


  1. salam..
    nway, thanks 4 ur commnt..
    ekceli ape yg sy nk cmmnt ni kua dr tajuk anda 'i am crazy, am i not?' huee..=P
    xpe ea? type kt cni je.hehe.

    hmm..ttg 'blog yg kotor..pliz read!!'..
    ekceli kte mmpunyai cara bacaan yg brlainan..
    ape yg sy cube maksudkan adelah..
    'pliz read' bukan brmakna sy suoh org mmbca blog tu..tp sy mksudkan, tlong bace blog sy, dan taw ape isi kandungan post sy tu..
    nmpaknye ade banyak tafsiran nih..bahaya2..
    nway,thanx alot..
    kalo anda x cmmnt, sy x taw ade org yg brfikiran len dr ape yg sy cube smpaikan..
    really appreciate it! thanx..

    i've discussd bout it wiv my super duper senior..die pon ade tegur..
    die juge ade bgtaw tips2 cane nk smpaikan prkara camni..hueee..

    pe2 pon thanx alot!! =)

  2. ingt2...hehehe

    hg mmg ngah gila skrg ni...gilakn sidia hehehe...
    xpala sama2 gila menggilai....
    dah semakin dasat ek....
    ni mesti kalu boleh setiap masa, setiap apa yg dilakukan nak bersama ngan sidia ek...
    hehehehe tahniah n jagalah elok2 apa yg dperolehi....

  3. to marinata,
    terima kasih sebab ambil berat teguran saya. sebenarnyer saya faham jer..tapi..just i think we shud really be carefull about such stuff.

    to hidung berantai, (xtau la bila nak lepas rantai tu haha)
    hehe lebih kurang la. tapi aku try sedaya upaya supaya x lebih2 sgt. kena ingat seberapa besar pun cinta aku, aku patut lebih mencintai tuhan yg telah menciptakan kita~
    tolong ingatkan aku kalau aku terlupa ek.
