Me and my girlfriend, we broke-up.
Phew. There I said it. It is very embarrassing, because many of my posts in this blog are about her. I blogged when I met someone I think “I kinda like”, I blogged when we became boyfriend and girlfriend, and the last one I wrote about how a couple in relationship should be together for the rest of time, to stay in the relationship even when the excitement slowly disappears and that love build to last forever. Now it hit me back right in the face.
Serve me right. Some things are easier said than done.
The decision to break up was one of the hardest decisions I ever made. Sheis someone I promised myself the only one I will marry. And honestly I was still in love with her when I reluctantly decided to end the relationship.
Now, after almost 4 months since we broke up, I still unable to totally get over it. It affects me quite badly, consumes lots of energy, time and attention. But a decision has to be made even though it hurts when it’s for the best.
Talking about this makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. For the reason why we break-up, I don’t think I should announce it here in this blog. But all I want to say is that, when in love, you want to make the person you love, happy. But one thing I’m sure you shouldn’t ignore is your own happiness. You should be happy too or else it’s not going to work.
Now I’m not looking forward to be in any relationship anymore, or just yet. I will concentrate on my study and help my family financially first.