I will be going back to Malaysia for raya holiday in ten days, on 17th of august to be exact.
To be honest I did not really have any plan for this. Even though ever since I started studying here in Indonesia, never have I went back home for raya. But this time it will be different. After celebrated raya (wasn’t really celebrating in here haha) for three times in the row, finally this year, I’m heading for my hometown.
I’ve told my mother that I’m coming back home this raya, but it seems like she wasn’t really excited about it. Haha.
Actually I’m kind of ‘have to’ go back since I have been told by the immigration department here to renew my passport as soon as I can.
My passport will expires on august 2011 but since I’m renewing my KITTAS or temporary residence card for another two year, the expiry date is not in the ‘save’ range haha. So I need to renew my passport.
And the nearest holiday is this coming raya holiday. Yeay. Finally I’m going back for raya! Yeay.
I am so glad. I missed celebrating raya in my hometown so much. I missed all those raya delicacies, raya songs, and exciting TV programs. Even though I don’t really enjoy visiting relatives much haha.
I’ll be going back by ferry (or more like a speed boat I think) from Belawan to Penang which will takes 5-6 hours. And I don’t mind. It’s the cheapest. Hahaha.