I'm just gonna write about two books that I read recently, amid busy schedule and studying. really? hehe also busy watching movies and series.
I've just done reading a novel by John Grisham which I bought few days ago at The Times bookstore here in Medan. It's the only bookstore here that sells English books. other bookstores only sell translated ones.

I'm not really a fan of John Grisham's books because his books mostly about law and justice which I have little interest. but a few days ago I bought one titled Theodore Boone, because it lseems not too complicated. The synopsis says, it's about a 5 year-old boy whose parents are lawyers, knows about a 'faceless' witness in a murder trial.
The book turned out to be awesome. I love it. I really enjoyed reading it and the story is not that heavy. and it is like what book-critics always said, totally a page turner!
The other book that I've read is I am number four which is now a movie playing in theatres worldwide. unfortunately the movie is still not playing in here, not sure when exactly they gonna play it. really anticipating this movie.