The electricity went off twice today! so stressful. Wrong timing. I was really in a middle of something in front of my desktop computer. Got lots of work needed to be done before tomorrow.
I've been living here in Medan for four years but seriously there's no improvement!
It's always went blackout just like that. It can be more than once in a day and never never expect any prior notice about the coming power outage.
Why can't something be done about this. Other than making the people to pay more and more every year of course. I feel like saying, if you're unable to handle this problem, why don't you use foreign expertise instead. Let them come, invest and teach us how to do it. For the benefit of the people and country in a long run.
And we, the consumers too, should do our part! Like stop wasting energy. I tweeted in twitter about my disappointment this morning. I was in room with plenty of windows but the lamps were switched on instead. I drawn the curtain open to let the bright natural light come in but somebody closed it back later. And we used the lamps to light up the room till we went back. talking about irony.
I hope the local government is doing something about this, and we the consumer, get used to minimise our electricity consumption and stop wasting it. for the benefit of all.